The support team for the PlayStation 3 has identified the problem and will be releasing another update to fix the update that screwed up your system.  In a post on the community forums, the Community Manager Morgan Haro said that the new update will be available shortly.

Of course, if your system is bricked, how are you supposed to install the new update? Haro says that on the 27th they will release the steps on how to apply the patch. 

 The PS3 grill. Photo courtesy of Engadget.

This is a volatile time for Sony where many people, not just gamers, are watching it with great interest.  With the dawn of the PlayStation 4 and next-gen gaming looming on the horizon, Sony cannot afford to make mistakes.  Even though the PS4 is being pre-ordered in record breaking numbers, most potential buyers are still using their PS3s.  Gamers tend to not forget, so Sony needs to keep its balance and not have these issues with its hardware while walking the fine line of consumer satisfaction.