Bonita Vivien Coue will always be recognized as a lady who slaughtered her better half before his kid. As per The Sun, Ms. Bonita was following her ex, Kerry Rooney, and was hanging tight for him in the flight of stairs of his high rise.

At the point when he returned, she first supposedly showered him with blanch prior to cutting him with a kitchen blade. She supposedly wounded him on different occasions in the neck, legs, back, middle, and hands. Mr. Rooney endeavored to escape from Bonita however she kept on after him.

At the point when he tumbled to the ground, Bonita bounced on him and cut his throat. A neighbor attempted to mediate at the crime location with a polished ash, however Bonita undermined him with the sanitizer.

Moreover, Ms. Bonita didn’t make any supplication against the charges and would not look for lawful assistance. The case has been dismissed until July 12. Bonita Vivien Coue’s age is 53 years of age. Her exact birth subtleties are yet to surface in the media, however. Bonita Vivien Coue Murdered Ex-Husband Kerry Rooney

Bonita Vivien Coue and Kerry Rooney were hitched, yet they had isolated more than five years prior. Mr. Rooney was a 51-year-elderly person and a committed dad to a 10-year-old child. The justification Rooney and Coue’s division isn’t yet uncovered.

— Jodie O’Brien (@jodieobrien) June 17, 2021

Rooney’s family companion Kym Mansfield portrayed him as an unbelievable man who did everything to shield his child from his ex. The entire occurrence unfurled before the helpless child who was seen fleeing from the scene while Coue followed Rooney in the road.