“They’re going impeccably. I’m an extraordinarily, lucky individual,” Bobby said. “Christina, she’s essentially a light in my life. She’s so sweet. She’s so splendid. She basically further develops all that I’m prepared to participate in with her. In other words, she’s sensational.”


Anyway things are sorting out positively for the couple, Bobby isn’t at present contemplating getting some information about securing the bunch to his darling of more than a year.

“I’ve done it an extraordinary arrangement. I’ve cleaned that a ton,” the triple hitched connoisseur expert joked of marriage. “For now, I like it the very way it is. I figure Christina does also.”

Whether or not a walk around the walkway isn’t looming, Bobby is eager to have Christina in his life – – and Sophie loves the writer too.

“Sophie and Christina have a mind boggling relationship, which obviously that is a shocking thing too,” Bobby told ET. “The way that Sophie likes my darling makes it essential.”

Bobby’s love life isn’t the primary thing the father young lady pair totally concurs. The Flays moreover share a veneration for food, something they’re giving fans an investigate with their new Food Network series, Bobby and Sophie on the Coast.

“I’m a nearby New Yorker. Sophie decided to go to class out in Los Angeles for school and subsequently decided to remain… I have one young person and in the event that I want to see her, I should be out there,” Bobby figured out his West Coast encounters. “… I contribute most of my energy in New York, but by then an extraordinary level of my time in Los Angles. It’s a brilliant spot, mind boggling food scene, as that is really what’s the deal with the show.”

For Sophie, working with her dad is “just so normal and clowning around,” as they by and large “party hard together.”

“Why should this matter at all about working with him is that it doesn’t feel like work,” the 26-year-old neighborhood told ET. “Regardless, the show is really a short investigate what we do in our recreation time. We bunch up when we lounge around capriciously, and we go endeavor new bistros and we really appreciate. The L.A. food scene is so rich, it’s so unique.”

Concerning Bobby, who confers Sophie to his resulting life partner, Kate Connelly, he esteems working with his solitary adolescent.

“She was constantly a respectable young person. She’s eternity been vivacious and she’s for quite a long time been tingling to find,” he said. “… Sophie has for each situation plainly offset in bistros since she was a kid… She got to see heaps of silliness. She got to see a numerous people locking in, loving what they do. I accept that gave her a will and a need to make a pass at what she does as well.”

— THE KID MERO 🇩🇴 (@THEKIDMERO) August 23, 2022

With their new show, Bobby nudged, “the positions have sort of flipped a bit.”

“Especially with respect to L.A., on the grounds that Sophie, that is her beat,” the happy dad said. “… At the moment that I have a request concerning where to go in Los Angeles, I know who to call. She knows.”