Who is Bounce Le Sueur?   At his Kid, Weave intends to walk 5,000 stages before the month’s over to fund-raise for Ukrainians who are escaping their country because of the Russian intrusion. “Consistently was troublesome”, as per Weave Le Sueur, yet not entirely set in stone to get his means in.


Bounce stood out as truly newsworthy in 2020 when he raised great many dollars for the NHS by strolling 100 lengths of his grass, which filled in as a motivation for Mr. Le Sueur to achieve the accomplishment.

Mr. Le Sueur said: ‘It is truly troublesome and it takes a ton of energy. Consistently is a test not entirely set in stone to do that little walk consistently from my glass entryway to the clothesline and back.’

Sway put his life in peril while the island was under Nazi occupation to help Russian slaves who had gotten away from the horrifying work conditions. He kept on carrying on with his life in support of others subsequent to getting a MBE for his courage in The Second Great War.

Sway Le Sueur Reason for Death  Chief Sir Tom Moore is a resigned English Armed force official. For a Ukraine request, a 101-year-old Jersey man strolls 101 stages each day. For his help of Jersey’s binds with France, Bounce got one more distinction in 2018 at the degree of “Chevalier” in the Ordre de la Pléiade.

Rest in peace. #JerseyCI#BobLeSueur pic.twitter.com/vbNCgwkNOp

— Tracy Mourant (@TracyMourant) November 5, 2022

In October 2020, he turned 100 years of age. He was depicted as “a typical man who’s had an outstanding life.”