Hood’s story has turned into a gigantic sensation among the netizens as Hood was beaten and powerfully tasered. Additionally, he was likewise made to sign an Arabic report which Hood has no clue about its content.


Billy Hood has turned into a moving theme on various web-based media stages under the title “Free Billy Hood”. Netizens have shown their conflict with Dubai’s law authorization on Hood’s case.

Hood was captured in January this year after the Dubai police found a vape fluid containing CBD oil in his vehicle. Per Dubai’s medication law, pot and pot oil are unlawful in the nation and there is zero resistance whenever found so.

Per Hood’s side of the story, the vape had a place with his dearest companion who visited him. His companion Alfie Cain had visited him and incidentally left the fluid in his vehicle while she got back to England.

After his capture, Hood was acquainted with physical beatings, tasering, and was given simply bread and a little measure of water during his underlying days in jail. He was additionally compelled to rest on the floor with in excess of 30 different detainees while he confronted insults from the jail monitors at Al-Barsha jail.

The Arabic admission that he had to sign prompted his 25-years jails sentence that he had no clue about. In this manner, “Free Billy Hood” has turned into a moving matter on the web while Hood’s allies vow his story to be referred to by however many individuals as could reasonably be expected.

Billy Hood was born to his folks; mother Breda Guckion and to his dad whose name isn’t in plain view. His mom has uncovered that the jail officials have giggled at Billy’s face. Per his mom’s assertion, they additionally let him know that on the off chance that he didn’t sign the admission, ‘you’re not leaving’, per Daily Mail UK.

His mother, Breda, says the sentencing ‘breaks me every day’. pic.twitter.com/fnKTCjHC6o

— Good Morning Britain (@GMB) October 14, 2021

Billy and his entire family are ordinary British individuals who hold British identity and are of white nationality. Hood’s entire family particularly his mom, his dearest companion Alfie just as, individuals who impact him are striving to draw in the consideration of concerned experts for equity for Billy. Billy Hood’s criminal accusations story just as his mugshot has turned into a web sensation on Reddit just as other web stages.

However weed oil is lawful in Britain, it isn’t in Dubai. Notwithstanding, despite the fact that he has had the option to demonstrate that the vape didn’t have a place with him, he has been rebuffed.