Opening up to David Letterman on season 4 of his Netflix series, My Next Visitor Needs No Presentation, the “More euphoric Than Any other time in recent memory” performer shared nuances on her neurological issue.

“I’m particularly happy to examine it,” Billie ensured after she experienced a fit before an audience during the gathering. “Expecting you film me for a long while, you will see stores of fits,” she said.

The “Agitator” singer says she experiences genuine fits that have as of late become indivisible from who she is because they are so standard.

Billie told Letterman, “I never don’t fit, considering the way that the essential fits that I do persistently, the whole day, are like, I wriggle my ear forward and backward and raise my eyebrow and snap my jaw … moreover, flex my arm here and use this arm, use these muscles. These are things you would never see if you’re just having a conversation with me, yet for my motivations, they’re very crippling.”

The 20-year-old entertainer says that the fits will as a general rule die down when she is focusing in on something and moving around, which is the explanation she doesn’t have fits before an audience while performing. “While I’m moving close, I’m not in no occasion, ticcing using any and all means,” she figured out.

— comfort for billie stans (@comforteilishs) September 27, 2022

While it’s sensible Billie’s Tourette condition has not kept her from gaining ground, she communicates that before being prestigious she felt even more alone in her finding.

“What’s fascinating is such incalculable people have it that you would never know,” Eilish said. “A few experts drew nearer and said, ‘I’ve completely had Tourette’s.’”